
การแก้เรื่องการแสดงเวลาหน้าReport จาก ระบบ 12 เป็น 24

Currently the date/time format of the reports depends on the OS localization settings of the OS you are running 3CX on.


If you are have installed on Windows it is fairly easy to change this:

1. Go to control panel (category View)

2. Change date and time time or number format

3. Format tab- set what you want as format from the options there

4. Administrative tab - Click on Copy settings --> Enable the option "Welcome Screen and system accounts

5. Restart all 3CX services and after the reports should be generated in the desired format.


For Debian it's quite a bit more complicated to change the locale, so I would suggest checking the Debian documentation on how to do that on Linux.

Article Details

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Date added:
2019-07-24 18:09:47
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